Tooth Colored Fillings Ahmedabad (no mercury)

What are the different types of dentitions???

Two types
  • Primary teeth(Baby Teeth)
  • Permanent teeth

Basic structure of the teeth

Basic structure of the teeth

Usually the primary set of teeth will erupt by the age of 3 years and then onwards it remains stable for the rest 3 years

Functions of Primary Teeth:
  1. Food needs to be chewed before entering the digestive system.
  2. Teeth can help us pronounce accurately.
  3. Teeth can help us look better by giving us a good profile..
  4. Deciduous teeth can reserve spaces for permanent teeth. .

Why to treat primary teeth????
Just because your child’s primary teeth, often known as baby teeth, eventually fall out, doesn’t mean they are not important. Primary teeth play an important role in your child’s overall health, development and well-being.
  • Promote good nutrition through proper chewing
  • Assist in speech development
  • Build self-esteem by providing a beautiful smile
  • Provide a path for permanent teeth to follow when they are ready to erupt.
Common problems seen in child’s teeth:

Why tooth decay occurs???

How does it progress???

Golden Rules to prevent tooth decay

1. Brush your teeth at least twice daily

2. Eat a balanced diet

3. Avoid eating high sugar and/or high acid foods (cookies, candy, wafers, soda) between meals. Be careful with diet soda, it may not have sugar but it certainly has a lot of acid which is just as bad!

4. Remember that it's OK to eat those sweet treats at meal times! It's not how much you eat, it's how often your teeth are exposed to that abuse

5. Drink water after eating. Water returns the pH of your mouth to a neutral level so it can counteract the effects of acidic and sugary foods. Frequent sips of water also prevents having dry mouth which could further cause cavities and bad breath

6. Don’t forget to clean the spaces in between teeth by flossing

7. Get regular dental checkup at every 6 months. You need to have your teeth cleaned every 6 months in order to preserve your teeth and the bone that supports your teeth

8. Fluoride application

9. Pit and fissure sealant

9. Pit and fissure sealant

Your Baby’s Teeth Myths & Facts: 

Myth – Cavities in baby teeth doesn’t matter as they will eventually fall out anyway.

Fact – Children don’t loose their last baby teeth until they are 12 years old. Cavities once formed will grow larger which can ultimately lead to pain and infection. So it is necessary to get treatment done.

Myth – Kids don’t need to see the dentist until they are 3 Years old.

Fact – It is recommended that kids start visiting the dentist first time by age 1 or when the first teeth erupts in the oral cavity. 

Myth – I can wait to start brushing until my kid is older enough.

Fact – To prevent cavities, parents should start brushing as soon as the first teeth erupts in the oral cavity.