Root canal treatment is also called endodontic therapy performed to repair & save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. the treatment is usually performed in the tooth’s innermost layer called the pulp. The term root canal itself comes from cleaning the canal in the roots of the teeth.
There are lots of benefits of Saving the tooth with Root Canal treatment
Pain Relief
The most important benefit of the root canal procedure is it gives relief from pain caused by the tooth. Infection.
Prevent further infections
When a patient is undergoing Root Canal treatments, they are likely to experience swelling, pain, and additional infections of teeth, gums & other tissues in their mouth. The infections can spread to other teeth also or even other parts of the body, destroying your smile &oral beauty.
Saving tooth
Instead of Extraction, the Root Canal allows you to keep your natural tooth, & helps to prevent trouble in mastication, saving the tooth also prevents from needing an implant or bridge.
Restoring Normal function
If you save the tooth with RCT, your pain is eliminated, and u can chew properly without any discomfort and pain.
Prevent shifting teeth
Your teeth Support each other Hence when a tooth is extracted or falls out due to decay it causes surrounding healthy teeth to shift & leads to improper chewing.
Avoiding costly implants
No doubt tooth Extraction is a cheaper option compared to RCT But the cost of getting a dental implant or Bridge to replace the missing tooth is significantly higher.
Improved Appearance
RCT can help to maintain the appearance of your smile, instead, if you choose to Extract the teeth can change the alignment of your teeth & even affect the shape of your face.
The root canal is Quick & Easy
Tooth Extractions mean multiple visits to the dentist due to follow-up required for dentures, bridges, or implants. Again, the implant process is so long, that RCT on the other hand can typically be done in a single appointment.
Why Saving Your Tooth Matters
You can avoid, the need for more expensive & invasive dental procedures, which can save you time & money in the long run.
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