• Bone surgery corrects the defects and irregularities in the bone that surrounds the diseased teeth;
• It is required in order to undergo effective treatment of more involved periodontal disease;
• It helps reduce and even eliminate periodontal pockets.
Who is this procedure for?
• People who have deep periodontal pockets;
• People who have had periodontal disease and who also have periodontal pockets – in this case eliminating bacteria may not be enough to prevent disease recurrence, so bone surgery is indicated.;
• The procedure is used if the bone has decayed around the tooth.
What happens before the procedure?
That area that is to be treated is numbed with local anesthesia. After that the gum is flapped back so the dentist can visualize the type and amount of bone loss, as well as the tartar that may be on the roots.
What happens during the procedure?
First, the existing tartar is removed from the tooth. Then the bone around the teeth is smoothed to more natural, healthy contours. This helps the pockets to be either reduced or eliminated. The dentist may use a bone graft to repair areas that are missing too much bone. Then the gum is placed back and held in place with a stitch. Finally, some putty material may be placed over the whole area to protect the area while it heals.
What happens after the procedure?
The patient will return within a week to check their progress.