Vital Pulpotomy


Vital pulpotomy amputates the infected coronal pulp
It neutralizes the residual infectious process



Whitening is the general name given to all the cosmetic procedures that whiten the teeth. These are in – office bleaching (professional bleaching), at home bleaching and whitening toothpaste.

What is a Denture?


A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth, gums and bone that has been caused due to tooth loss. Complete dentures replace all the teeth, while a partial denture fills in the spaces created by missing teeth and prevents other teeth from changing position.

Fluoride Treatments and Supplements


Minerals like fluoride, calcium, phosphate are found inside the enamel – the visible layer of the crown of the tooth. They are constantly affected by the process of demineralization which is caused by acids resulted from the combination of bacteria and sugar in one’s month.



This frenum is larger to some people, fact which causes difficulties in speech since the tongue is not allowed to move freely. A lingual frenectomy is the procedure at the end of which this fold of tissue is removed

Root Canal Treatment Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment

Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment

Being Professor and Head Of the Department of Endodontics and Conservative Dentistry. I, Dr. Manish and my team is well versed with…

Smile Makeover Treatment Ahmedabad

Smile Makeover

From subtle changes to major repairs, a best dentist Ahmedabad can perform a variety of procedures to improve your smile…

Cosmetic Dentistry in Ahmedabad


Using a combination of a number of treatment modalities, we guarantee you the most dazzling smile…



Basically Small screws which are placed in the bone and which support either one or two or more artificial teeth…