Dental Bridges … Filling In The Gaps


Dental bridges actually fill in the gaps caused by missing teeth. When you lose a tooth, the dentist can make a bridge…

Do You See Pink In The Sink? Time To See Your Dentist


Do you see pink in the sink? If so, that means your gums are bleeding – irritated by the toothbrush hitting or rubbing against them…

The Facts About Thrush


Thrush is a yeast infection that occurs in the mouth caused by the Candida fungus. While it can affect anyone…

Gum Disease


Gum disease isn’t exactly something that most people bring up in casual conversation. Somehow, it seems embarrassing…

Gum Disease Treatment Without Surgery

Gum Disease Treatment Without Surgery

Gingivitis and Periodontitis are referred to as periodontal (gum) diseases. Both are serious issues, involving bad breath…

High Blood Pressure & Dental Care


The condition known as “high blood pressure” (hypertension) is never a laughing matter. People with hypertension…

Getting To The Root Of A Root Canal


As the name implies, a root canal procedure treats the decayed, and sometimes infected, root of a tooth.

Sports and Tooth Injuries


Any athlete runs the risk of dental injuries, though some sports may carry a higher risk than others. Regardless, it is essential to protect…

Want to Lower Your Dental Cost? Take Care of Your Teeth


There’s a reason dental insurance companies pay better for preventive care … it costs much less to care for your teeth than to fix them…